31 OT B ~ Mk. 12:28b-34 ~ "Not Far From the Kingdom" ~ Rev. Richard Eslinger
30 OT B Mk. 10: 46-52 ~ "The Call" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
29 OT B Mk 10:35-45 "Room at the Top" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
28th OT B ~ Mk. 10:17-30 ~ "Eye of the Needle" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
27 OT B ~ Mk. 10:2-16 "Embraced and Blessed" ~ Rev. Richard Eslinger, PhD
26 OT B ~Nm 11:25-29 "My Lord, Stop Them!" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
25 OT B ~ Mk. 9:30-37 ~ "Out of the Book, Into our Lives" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
24th OT B ~ Mk. 8: 27-35 ~ "Who do You Say I am?" Rev. Benjamin Roberts, D.Min and Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
23 OT B ~ Mk. 7:31-37 ~ "Beyond Astonishment" ~ Rev. Richard Eslinger
22 OT B~ Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27~ "All Good Gifts" Rev. Richard Eslinger
21 OT B ~ Jn. 6:60-69 "A Hard Saying" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
20 OT B ~John 6: 51-58 ~ "A Deeper Union with Christ" Rev. Benjamin Roberts, D.Min.
19 OT B 1 Kg. 19:4-8 "Under the Broom Tree" ~Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
18 OT B~ "The Bread of Heaven" Jn 6:24-35 Rev. Richard Eslinger
17 OT B ~ Homiletical Exegesis~ Jn 6:1-15 ~ Rev. Richard Eslinger
16 OT B ~ Mk. 6:30-34 "Rest a While" ~ Rev. Benjamin Roberts, D.Min.
15 OT B ~ Mk. 6:7-13 ~ "With Nothing But a Staff..." ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
14 OT B ~ Mk, 6:1-6 ~ "Hometown Hero" Rev. Richard Eslinger
13 OT B + Mk 5:21-43 + "Welcome to Iceberg Alley" ~ Susan McGurgan, D.Min.
12OT B ~ Mk.4:35-41~ "A Violent Squall" ~ Rev. Richard Eslinger